Thursday, January 31, 2008


I want you know something.

Best Malaysian Sites


U is for a united Malaysian race.
Of united culture and united face.
A race of common heart and place.
Achieved at an agreed time and place.

N is for Malaysian nationalism.
A feeling of loyality and equality.
Free from bigotry and prejudice.
Being patriots of united integrity.

Best Malaysian Sites

I is for a Malaysia integration.
Seeking a common solution to prejudicial contentions.
It's looking at another and admiring your own reflection.
It's attaining a common status and social satisfaction.

T is for Malaysians togetherness and trust.
It is having faith in every Malaysian heart.
It is believing that group participation is a must.
Trusting together to better our country, part by part.

Y is for you and also for all.
United we can confrontour worries, anxieties and fears.
Nationally integrated our heart and voices can be free.
And together acquire a proud race, a BANGSA MALAYSIA

I need your comment.